Read The Ocean of Theosophy

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AN attempt is made in the pages of this book to write of Theosophy in such a manner as to be understood by the ordinary reader. Bold statements are made in it upon the knowledge of the writer, but at the same time it is distinctly to be understood that he alone is responsible for what is therein written: the Theosophical Society is not involved in nor bound by anything said in the book, nor are any of its members any the less good Theosophists because they may not accept what he has set down. The tone of settled conviction which may be thought to pervade the chapters is not the result of dogmatism or conceit, but flows from knowledge based upon evidence and experience. Members of the Theosophical Society will notice that certain theories or doctrines have not been gone into. That is because they could not be treated without unduly extending the book and arousing needless controversy. The subject of the Will has received no treatment, inasmuch as that power or faculty is hidden, subtle, undiscoverable as to essence, and only visible in effect. As it is absolutely colorless and varies in moral quality in accordance with the desire behind it, as also it acts frequently without our knowledge, and as it operates in all the kingdoms below man, there could be nothing gained by attempting to enquire into it apart from the Spirit and the desire. No originality is claimed for this book. The writer invented none of it, discovered none of it, but has simply written that which he has been taught and which has been proved to him. It therefore is only a handing on of what has been known before. The Ocean of Theosophy - Theosophy Library Online The Ocean of Theosophy By William Q Judge Contents Preface PREFACE TO TENTH EDITION Chapter I THEOSOPHY AND THE MASTERS The Ocean of Theosophy - Forgotten Books The Ocean of Theosophy by William Q Judge The Key to the Universe by Harriette Augusta Curtiss Semitic Magic Its Origins and Development by R Campbell Thompson The ocean of theosophy : Judge William Quan 1851-1896 The ocean of theosophy Aug 7 2007 08/07 by Judge William Quan 1851-1896 texts eye 374 favorite 0 comment 0 American Libraries 246 246 The ocean The Ocean of Theosophy by William Q Judge (TUP Edition) The Ocean of Theosophy By An attempt is made in the pages of this book to write of theosophy in such a manner as to be understood by the ordinary reader The Ocean of Theosophy: William Q Judge: 9780911500257 In the early 1890s Judge recognized the need for a book on theosophy that could be readily understood by all The Ocean provides a concise yet comprehensive survey of The Ocean of Theosophy: William Q Judge: 9780991618255 Mr Judge's The Ocean of Theosophy is a classic of theosophical literature Written in 1893 as a text to explain the broad themes treated in HP Blavatsky's two Theosophy - Wikipedia Theosophy is a collection of mystical and occultist philosophies concerning or seeking direct knowledge of the presumed mysteries of life and nature particularly ocean of theosophy Blavatsky Theosophy Group UK DAILY THEOSOPHY QUOTES Friday 23rd January 2015 Theosophy is that ocean of knowledge which spreads from shore to shore of the evolution of sentient beings The Ocean of Theosophy - The Theosophical Society viii / The Ocean of Theosophy become the users of human forms Each of the seven principles of man is derived from one of the seven great divisions of the Universe
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